
Showing posts from 2014

Meningkatkan CTR Blog dengan Hasil Baik

M-Blogger ID - SERP Rating dan Ranking di search engine sangat penting bagi setiap orang yang menginginkan untuk membuat konten yang baik dan mampu bersaing dengan orang lain. Apa yang paling penting adalah seberapa baik CTR posting ini. Untuk mencapai peringkat yang lebih baik dan nilai yang lebih baik Anda harus mempertimbangkan penelitian baru. Pertama, menciptakan konten yang alami dan tidak dibuat-buat sulit, tapi itu akan menarik lebih banyak penonton dan meningkatkan CTR. Selain itu, semakin banyak waktu pengguna menghabiskan pada posting Anda dan lebih banyak klik yang Anda miliki, peringkat yang lebih tinggi pada hasil search engine. Meta Tag dan Pengindeksan Hal ini sangat penting untuk belajar bagaimana memanfaatkan tag dengan benar. Meta tag dan menambahkan deskripsi akan meningkatkan peringkat SEO Anda secara keseluruhan dan jika dilakukan dengan benar, posting Anda akan lebih menarik dan lebih mengundang bagi pengguna untuk tinggal. Membuat lalu lintas sulit, tetapi deng...

7 Alasan Mengapa Blogger Gagal Mendapat Uang

M-Blogger ID - Mendapatkan uang secara online terutama melalui blogging tidak sulit (tergantung bagaimana cara/metode yang Anda gunakan), dan itu juga tidak sulit sekarang ini. Tetapi perbedaannya adalah bahwa metode, sebagian besar blogger yang sudah digunakan menjadi tidak efektif sekarang ini karena canggih, dan setiap hari algoritma Google dan Mesin Penvari populer lainnya berubah. Meskipun blogging adalah gairah dan siapapun yang datang di bidang ini bergairah untuk memberikan kualitas dan konten asli untuk pembaca setia mereka, tetapi tidak harus datang dalam blogging hanya untuk penyebab uang. Itu benar, semua orang perlu uang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka, tetapi beberapa orang berpikir bahwa mereka harus blogging untuk menjadi kaya, sebaiknya mereka harus berhenti melakukannya dari sekarang, karena blogging bukan untuk itu. Hari ini, kita akan membahas tentang Alasan Mengapa Blogger Baru Gagal Mendapatkan Uang? 1. Tidak Memberikan Waktu Cukup Yang pertama dan yang paling pe...

Bagaimana Cara Mengintegrasikan Media Sosial Strategi dalam Kampanye SEO?

M-Blogger ID - Dengan menggabungkan media sosial dengan teknik SEO, Anda dapat meningkatkan kesempatan blog Anda untuk peringkat lebih tinggi pada halaman hasil mesin pencari. Membuat konten berkualitas pada media sosial dan halaman blog adalah kunci untuk suksesnya. Media sosial ini sebagian besar digunakan untuk membangun kepercayaan, interaksi pelanggan dan membangun brand, tetapi sekaligus juga membantu secara teratur melengkapi backlink dan sinyal sosial dari sumber otoritas tinggi seperti Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, dan Google+. Tidak hanya untuk berbagi konten, tapi sekarang Anda juga dapat menggunakan media sosial untuk menciptakan sinyal sosial yang berkualitas. Search engine tampaknya menggunakan Google +1, retweets, dan Like Facebook dari halaman blog tertentu dan blog sementara menentukan peringkat pencarian. Jadi ini adalah beberapa tips yang akan membantu dalam mengintegrasikan strategi media sosial dengan Kampanye SEO secara efektif: Google Authorship Mengatur Google A...

Cara untuk Meningkatkan Traffic Blog Tanpa Membangun Link

M-Blogger ID - Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa membangun link adalah salah satu cara yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan kunjungan ke situs dan peringkat, tetapi membangun link itu tidak mudah. Membangun link bukanlah satu-satunya cara untuk menyeret lalu lintas dari Google. Jangan terlalu gila tentang backlink. Saya telah melihat terlalu banyak website yang memiliki beberapa backlink, tapi posisi yang paling tinggi adalah mesin pencari. Berikut adalah beberapa cara terbaik untuk meningkatkan kunjungan ke situs tanpa membangunan backlink apapun. Jika Anda menerapkan teknik ini, diharapkan Anda akan menikmati lalu lintas yang cukup. 1. Konten Panjang dan Berkualitas Konten panjang dan berkualitas berguna untuk mendapatkan posisi yang lebih tinggi dalam mesin pencari. Menurut MOZ, 6% dari hasil pencarian Google mengandung artikel mendalam. Google membenci situs web berkualitas rendah dan konten berkualitas rendah. Konten Anda harus informatif bagi pembaca Anda, terstruktur dengan baik dan...

Daftar Situs Web 2.0 dengan PR Tinggi untuk Membangun Backlink

M-Blogger ID - Backlink sangat penting untuk website agar mengoptimalkan kata kunci Anda. Backlink berkualitas yang kuat dan tinggi sangat penting untuk SEO. Tapi pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana menciptakan backlink berkualitas tinggi untuk blog? Ada banyak cara untuk membuat backlink untuk blog Anda. Beberapa tercantum di bawah ini. Komentar Blog: Anda dapat membuat backlink dengan memberikan komentar pada blog orang lain. Banyak orang yang melakukan satu kesalahan konyol di sini, mereka mulai berkomentar membabi buta. Sebelum pergi untuk membuat backlink atau komentar, pastikan bahwa situs web tertentu ini relevan dengan Anda atau tidak. Selalu memilih situs web yang relevan, kemudian membuat backlink. Mari kita misalkan Anda memiliki situs web yang terkait dengan Pendidikan dan Anda membuat backlink dengan situs fashion, maka akan sama sekali tidak relevan untuk SEO. Buku Tamu: Buku tamu tetap menjadi salah satu cara yang paling populer untuk menciptakan backlink dan masih cara yang...

5 Kesalahan SEO Menurut Matt Cutts

M-Blogger ID - SEO adalah sebuah pertanyaan besar bagi setiap webmaster. Setiap blogger dan webmaster melakukan SEO, tetapi 95% dari mereka melakukan macam tanda dan hanya 5% sesuai dengan persyaratan Google. SEO tidak terlalu rumit, tapi orang-orang melakukannya dengan cara yang kompleks. Kesalahan SEO dapat menghancurkan penempatan situs di SERP. Di sini, di artikel ini, Anda akan menemukan pemandangan Matt Cutts (kepala pencarian Google spam) terkait dengan lima kesalahan SEO webmaster lakukan. Baru-baru ini salah satu webmaster bertanya ke Matt Cutts: Apa saja 3-5, dimana webmaster membuat sebagian kesalahan di SEO? Bagaimana kita bisa berbuat lebih baik? Jadi, Matt Cutts menjawab pertanyaan ini dalam videonya (ada di youtube), di sini adalah ikhtisar jawabannya pada pertanyaan ini. 1. Situs Anda Tidak Dapat Merangkak Pertama kesalahan SEO menurut Cutts, tidak memiliki website crawlable atau Anda tidak memiliki nama domain sama sekali. Jika tidak ada nama domain atau website, maka...

Cara Optimasi Gambar di Search Engine

M-Blogger ID - Gambar menarik dan juga dioptimalkan penting untuk menarik perhatian pengunjung. Gambar sangat berguna untuk menggambarkan seluruh artikel Anda, dan dapat membantu Anda untuk berbagi pada media sosial dan platform lainnya. Mengapa Anda Perlu Mengoptimalkan Gambar? 1. Untuk Mengurangi Beban Tambahan Untuk mengurangi waktu loading blog Anda, Anda harus mengoptimalkan gambar. Jika Anda memiliki gambar berkualitas tinggi dengan ukuran ekstra, maka dapat menghasilkan waktu pembukaan ekstra. Dalam SEO modern, waktu loading memainkan peran penting, jika Anda ingin mendapatkan peringkat yang lebih baik, maka blog Anda harus baik dioptimalkan oleh gambar. 2. Untuk Mendapatkan Keuntungan Tambahan di Search Engine Anda mungkin tidak setuju ini, tetapi gambar dapat menghasilkan lalu lintas besar dari mesin pencari berbasis gambar (Google Images misalnya). Jika gambar yang baik dioptimalkan dengan judul, deskripsi, tag alt, dll. Kemudian Anda dapat menghasilkan lalu lintas tambahan ...

How to Overcome Penalties Google Panda Algorithm 4.0 Latest

M-Blogger ID - After yesterday I discussed the problems Google Penguin, so now I want to discuss the issue of Google Panda 4.0 which is the latest update and quite broad impact. How do I get out of the penalty google panda 4.0 will also be discussed. But let us first identify what is Google Panda . It is not a coincidence I have 3 sets of current algorithms, the first is the hummingbird is so varied in color, because it is collected diverse algorithms to analyze a page of the various factors of SEO. While two other algorithms are pandas and penguins are only 2 animals only have 2 colors, namely black and white. So the two algorithms is held as auxiliary engines to help sort out the pages hummingbird that "SEO White" and "Black Webspam". Penguins are animals that prowl the waters off the coast alias alias offshore, and that is why the algorithm penguins find their prey in the sector offpage. While the animals are looking for food in the mainland Panda alias onsho...

Why Out of Google Penalties Penguin So Difficult?

M-Blogger ID - Nowadays people busy talking about the latest Google Panda update, because the traffic is quite a lot of people who fall for a penalty of this algorithm. But much easier to recover or exit penalties than the Google Panda Google Penguin sanctions. Why? Because the panda was just about onpage alone, and you have full authority to tamper with onpage own right?. If you can fix the problem on onpage and the quality of your content, then it's a penalty or punishment will be lifted when the next calculation. So Panda and Penguin works independently in performing calculations on the pages of our website. As with the Penguins penalty which is also the alias automatically penalized by the algorithm. You should be able to fix the "unnatural" that exist in the composition of backlinks before we could get out of this penalty. Now the question mark is what you can edit the backlinks you have installed into other people's websites? Is not it? How if your backlinks al...

Determine Blog What Will You Create

M-Blogger ID - How to I determine which blogs will you create? This is the earliest stage of all the SEO process. The article itself is part of a program to do SEO in stages. So if you are a blogger really a beginner, I highly recommend to start doing SEO article that in order to get the full picture. So let's start from zero only. Let's say you have not had any blog. Even if you already have some knowledge of SEO, I hope you can forget all of that first. Because of my experience, theory confuses SEO from there and from here it becomes a disaster for our blog. When you're ready, we just started with the first issue. Choosing Content Original or Copy Paste? This is the first issue when creating a blog, which determines whether the blog will contain original content or copy and paste. This determination is quite important for our SEO later. If you choose a blog original content, then the SEO optimization can be easier, because your articles will be unique. It's just the...

How to Create Dynamic Heading on Blogger

M-Blogger ID - How to create a dynamic heading? The more bloggers who want to use this trick, because this is one of several criteria template SEO friendly today. So easy SEO trick will be little sharing basis for changing our blog heading into a dynamic heading . Now look at the picture below. In the picture above you can see three important parts of article on the page, namely: The Title Tag Header Page Title Article The third component of this is the most important part of a webpage, you should not waste the three components with the wrong settings. So let's learn the basics for setting up a template be SEO friendly. Set Title Tag Many blogs let the blog title tags in their default state alone. For example, the blog "Great Computer" create article "How to fix a computer?". So the title tag it will write the "Great Computer: How to fix a computer?" We can see that the best place in the title tag, which is the forefront of the title tag is filled wi...

How to Writing Article Quality Standard SEO

M-Blogger ID - How SEO Article Writing Quality Standards? This is stage 3 of the 4 stages of SEO. Try to make a quality article of keywords that have been researched. After determining the keywords that will be created article, then we are ready to start. Consider these important factors when writing the following article: Choosing Article Title The first stage is to determine the title of the article. Make sure the title contains the most important keywords in the article. Article title length should be about 5-7 words, because the length will decrease the density of keywords in it. If you want to make a splashy article title should be at the expense of keywords in it. For example, if the title of his article "The price of Ipad 3 Down Again" is changed to "Oh my God! Price Ipad 3 Down Again". Choosing The Article URL If the title of the article is chosen sufficiently long, then it may not be loaded all at the URL of the article. For users of blog pla...

How to OnPage Optimization Blog

M-Blogger ID - Onpage optimization perform on newly created blog is a mandatory step. This is the second stage of the four stages that need to be done to become a champion search engine. The main objective of the optimization onpage not to become the first champion in Google. This optimization is only to help Google index your blog correctly. It's like putting your race car on the track right, but if you could be a race car champion? Not necessarily. The process of becoming a champion was still long. You still have to go through two more stages, which add quality article content and optimization Offpage. Offpage optimization itself is divided into two processes, namely Looking backlinks and Promote Blog. So that was not too confusing Onpage just follow the checklist below one by one. Should be done carefully and accurately, because the process outlined below is only done once. Use templates that are SEO friendly. If you do not have a template that is SEO friendly you can search o...

Select Blogspot or Wordpress?

M-Blogger ID - Which one is better blogspot or wordpress? Are you confused want to choose which blog platform. Actually, the blog service providers very much, but this time I will only discuss the two biggest platforms namely blogspot and wordpress. Note the points of comparison between blogger and wordpress that is below: Editing Templates I think for this one problem is superior bloggers because bloggers give a lot of flexibility to edit templates and layouts. In contrast to wordpress, first time trying I could not find a way to edit the style sheet from the template. It turned out to be disposable hosting and domain name for it. Lately it has been open for free manner, which utilizes a free domain name and free hosting service. Tutorial Blog Until now there are more tutorials for blogspot compared to wordpress. So for starters it would be easier to learn than the wordpress blogger. But some wordpress users who are accustomed to say that WordPress can be very easy. But still, to th...

Long Tail Keyword Solutions New Blog

M-Blogger ID - Long tail keywords are keyword length consisting of five words or more. This keyword is obviously much easier to master than short keywords. Most new blog with optimization of one or two months hoping to conquer the short keywords. Actually this is not a good move for a new blog. How to Use Long Tail Keyword? Actual implementation of long tail keywords is strongly influenced by the type of your blog. Is it an article of your blog mix-mix or have its own theme will have a different optimization. I mean like this, if you have a niche blog mix, it should be long keyword optimization is emphasized in each article. Meanwhile, if your theme is quite specific, the emphasis can be focused keyword length on the homepage of your blog. If I was too focused to control short key words, I am sure my visitor traffic to this blog will still be very little. So take your time to collect long keyword, spend time during the break to make an article every day, and spend your night to hunt b...

What is a Google Author Rank?

M-Blogger ID - What is a Google Author Rank ? It is an innovative idea that is being explored by Google. Where Google will provide an assessment to the reputation of the author of a blog. Obviously this reputation will be the deciding factor in determining the ranking of your blog on search results pages. Google Author Rank System Excellence Author of this rank is not intended to replace pagerank. Author rank is precisely to make more accurate PageRank. So it's not necessarily just because of the high Pagerank means that you can win the SERP. I began to see that the social recognition would seem more accurate than PageRank. Author rank is much more difficult to forge than PageRank. You can fake pagerank by "tapping" link juice from an unknown website without the website owner. But you can not get points Author rank of a person without actually asking for the support of the people. Author falsifying rank you want to make a lot of fake accounts? The question is how much o...

How to Optimize Your Blog Keyword

M-Blogger ID - How to optimize your blog keywords , currently there are many bloggers who hope to get a lot of visitors from Google. However traffic from Google is quality traffic for online business, including traffic and automatically occur if the SEO you've succeeded. Previously blogger friends probably already read the article keyword research and Google Webmaster Tools. If it is supposed friends already have a lot of stock of keywords, has been making a lot of quality articles, and has been looking for backlinks to popularize the articles are made. The question is now what your blog is was the maximum? Have you already mastered the keywords in your blog? If not what keywords you need to optimize it again? Many bloggers will be confused if asked, what keywords need to be optimized further. So this time I will make an article about optimizing keywords. Easy Techniques Optimizing Keywords In Google Webmaster Blog Now go to your Google Webmaster Tools account from your blog. Sel...

What is The iFrame? What is iFrames Impact on SEO?

M-Blogger ID - What is a iFrame? What is the impact on SEO iFrames? So this time I want to discuss a bit about the iframe. Iframe is "frame" to display another webpage on a page. One example is the widely used iFrames chatbox and videos from youtube. The question is what the impact or result of the use of iFrames? But before that we discussed a bit about how to make an iFrame. How do I Make The iFrame? Makes it very easy iFrames, just use the following command: Description: Change with the URL you want to publish. Change the width and height values ​​with values ​​that you like. What is Makes iFrames Impact on SEO? Things you need to underline is the first time you make when creating iFrames your browser to load additional web pages in one tab. The more you use iFrame, so the more web pages opened simultaneously. Let's say your blog has some pictures up to a total files to be downloaded is 600kb. So what if you give the iFrame page also ha...

What is Your Home Can Crawled Google?

M-Blogger ID - What is your home can crawled Google? Actually there are many ways to see if your page is crawled by Google. You can use the fetch feature as Google or look at the cached search results. But other than that you can look the other way. Seeing Google Crawling With Google Translate For check if your pages can be crawled by Google, you can use the features of Google Translate . By using this feature you is asking the display of Google robots when you visit the page at once. This is different from the cached version mempelihatkan only version of the last visit only. Of several attempts, I see that the script is described in the blog html, it can be read by Google robot, but external scripts will not be executed by Google. Many webmasters are using differences in the nature of the crawl javascript to display the content you want crawled and do not want to be crawled by Google but is still seen by visitors to the blog. But then again, Google Translate method is only one of se...

5 Reasons SEO Can Fail

M-Blogger ID - Some say that they managed to achieve improvements in SEO blog, and of course that failed also. So if there is a failure, and nothing works it does not matter fate alone. It was a matter of business and who do it better. So I tried to make this article to show my friends some of the things that make blogger friends fail in doing SEO optimization on the blog. 1. One Farm, One Hope Many blogger friends who chose a theme that is very limited its search. The theme this kind usually have weak competition, so it technically would be easier to master. But, even if you have power on those keywords. Blogs you still can not reach the level of crowd you expect. How to make a blog can be crowded? The options just two: You are looking for a topic that many people are searching for and trying to master it (would be difficult). You are looking for a topic that little quest, but you reproduce variations topic. 2. Do not Want to Learn Staged This blog was deliberately made ​​to provide ...

9 Type Penalty Google

M-Blogger ID - The types of sanctions or penalty Google is something that often confuse a lot of bloggers. Many of the bloggers who do not know why suddenly the visitors of Google's traffic is drastically reduced. They do not realize that the blog is being hit by sanctions from Google as a result of a "campaign" blog is done. To help the blogger friends recognize the types of violations, which brings penalty from Google, then I make an article this. Hopefully with this article can help friends blogger to recognize the problem of what is coming his blog. 1. Penalty from Google Penguin Google algorithm Google Penguin is designed for attacking web spam . So if your blog is engaging in the act of cloaking, keyword stacking and participate in a backlink search system, so beware. Could a little sloppy slapped from Google Penguin. The results of this penguin a Google slap punitive sanctions or penalties that could make your blog visitors graph into sprawl. 2. Penalty from Goog...